Monday, August 20, 2012

MIGUEL TRELLES works. One of this works is hanging in Culturefix now. Guess which one and you can go for free to Flushing Meadows this week. We take care for that. We promise. I have always been in love with marks on two dimensions. That is why I draw and print and paint. Obviously there are notable differences between those means and between media in general. When a work is content driven I feel the chosen medium influences that content but that regardless of the notable differences in conveyance methods, the intensity of the aim, the urgency to communicate and the joy of making can bring together works that appear formally disparate otherwise. My favortie music is the Cuban son. I like this music because it is an authentic expression of love for the Caribbean endroit and idiosyncracy. Perhaps what I find most exciting about it is that it has a sense of humor and that sense of humor helps to assimilate the more difficult aspects of our daily life.

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